

Created by Dirk Manning

Get LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH -- and some other goodies by Dirk Manning and Friends -- months before they appear on most store shelves!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

2 months ago – Fri, Aug 16, 2024 at 03:26:30 PM

Seriously... THANK YOU!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'm just gonna leave this right here:

I cannot express enough how much I owe all of this to all of you.

THANK YOU to you all so very, very much. I cannot wait to pay it forward to you with the deluxe edition of this book.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend, and do something for yourself to treat yourself. I'll be in touch soon, friends.


Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning


Some press, some previews, and another campaign of note!
2 months ago – Wed, Aug 07, 2024 at 07:15:43 PM

About one week left to unlock the art print, too!

Hello friends!

We passed 200 backers on LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH today, and with about eight days remaining we're only about $1,500 away from the final stretch goal that will upgrade the double-signed bookplate to an "embiggened" art print to accompany all the KS Exclusive Red Leatherbound Editions of the book!

The fact that we've accomplished this much with me keeping my vow to now go on a media blitz for this one is especially humbling. Truly, my friends... thank you.

I did do a little press, though...

While I didn't hit the press circuit hard, I did make two notable exceptions.

First, our friends at asked to run a feature on LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH, so I worked with them on this and also provided them SEVEN PAGES OF FULL ART from the book -- one from each story -- that you can check out HERE.

Furthermore, when my friends from Genretainment reached out to see if I'd like to chat with them, well, I could resist, as it had somehow been over a decade since we last spoke on the air! You can listen to our chat on YouTube HERE or on Spotify HERE. It's a fun talk and it was great to catch-up with some old friends... who happen to also be running a Kickstarter of their own, which you should also all check out as well! See below for details!

Here's another great anthology you should check out!

Fairy Tales, Folklore, and Fables Reimagined has already SHATTERED it's funding goal, offering backers a great new anthology that offers readers familiar stories with creative new twists.

I absolutely love books like this, have already pledged to support the campaign, and encourage you to check it out, too, right HERE.

Keep spreadin' the news...

Again, friends, THANK YOU all so much for the love (no pun intended) you've been showing LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH. Each and every one of you is the reason we've unlocked the "I Saw Red" leatherbound edition of the book with all the other Stretch Goal bonuses which will NOT be available after the campaign ends... so if you know of anyone who would like to get the red leatherbound edition of the book, please direct them to
ASAP so they can secure their copy before the campaign ends next Friday!

Much love, friends! Enjoy the article and the podcast, and I'll be in touch again soon as we approach the end of the campaign!

Your friend in comics.
Dirk Manning

A new Stretch Goal? How about TWO?
3 months ago – Sun, Jul 28, 2024 at 08:19:10 PM

A confession...

I'm going to be honest with you all, friends: it was my original intention to only offer the one "I Saw Red" Super Stretch Goal because I sincerely believed that it would carry us to close to the end of the campaign...

Only for all of you to rally and unlock it in only 36 hours.


Y'all rock, you know that, right?

Well, given that we still have over two weeks left in this "Quickstarter," I've decided to go ahead and add not one, but TWO more Stretch Goals to the campaign that will be included with every Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book:

If we hit $9.999 illustrator Joshua Ross will also sign the bookplates! Double signatures will be unlocked!
If we hit (lucky) $13,000, we'll "embiggen" the double-signed book plate to a mini art-print size! More to love and admire!

Huge kudos to illustrator Joshua Ross for not only for totally knocking it out of the park on this bookplate (which, if we unlock the "Bloody Kisses" Stretch Goal, will be embiggened to an art print size, but also being willing to sign every bookplate (perhaps turned art print). While Joshua does not have any art in LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH itself, he is the illustrator on the next TWO graphic novels I'm launching on Kickstarter (currently scheduled for October and February, respectively), so I'm happy that -- thanks to all of you -- we could include him in LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH at least for all of you getting the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book.

Also, huge kudos for letterer/designer Dave Lentz for working with me to design the bookplate "dressing," too.

Remember, any pledge level that includes the hardcover gets all the Stretch Goals, and if yours doesn't have it, you can adjust your pledge upwards to correct that any time before the campaign ends. After that, though, the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover -- and all the Stretch Goals -- will not be made available again.

Finally, and most importantly, THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU for supporting this campaign, sharing the link, and helping us not only make the creation of this book possible, but also the unlocking more and more Stretch Goals.

It's very sincerely my honor to pay it forward to all of you. Thank you again for the privilege. Truly.

Remember: The more people who join the campaign, the more free stuff you all get, so keep sharing the link with people you know who may enjoy this love-infused horror graphic novel and everyone can get even more upgrades and bonuses!

Thanks again, everyone! I appreciate you all so very much!

Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning

We've unlocked the red leather!
3 months ago – Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 04:21:33 PM


Friends, I cannot believe I am already typing this update!

In under 36 hours all of you have rallied together, promoted the campaign, and shared the, link all over the place, and a a result we have already unlocked the "I Saw Red" Super Stretch Goal!

Every Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover now includes ALL these upgrades -- FOR FREE!

This means that EVER Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover has now been automatically upgraded to to include the red leatherbound-style cover, the red gilded pages, the red ribbon bookmark, and the Kickstarter Exclusive signed "I Saw Red" autographed bookplates illustrated by the amazing Joshua Ross.

Speaking of which... how about a sneak peek at his AMAZING art on the bookplate in order to celebrate even more, eh? I mean, heck, you all earned it, right?

Here's a peek at the bookplate art illustrated by the amazing Joshua Ross (LEFT TURNS, TALES OF MR. RHEE, NIGHTMARE WORLD)

I'm so very excited that all the hardcovers are being upgraded, friends, and that you're now getting the super-deluxe editions of the book and this stunning bookplate!

Remember, these upgrades (including the autographed bookplate) are all included in ANY pledge level that includes the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover, and they pertain to EVERY Hardcover. If you want this super deluxe edition, make sure your pledge has the hardcover edition in it (or you can add one to any pledge level that includes physical rewards) and you'll be getting red leather, baby! Woo-hoo!

Finally, again, I cannot stress enough how much all these upgrades are so much due to how so many of you have been sharing the link to the campaign with others who may want to join us. Know someone who likes horror, comics, and/or perhaps even some slightly spicy reading? If so, please keep letting people know about to bring more people to the party!

I mean, hey, if you know me, you know that I might end-up adding another bonus if we hit another milestone... so let's keep it going!

Again, friends... THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I am so very, very excited for this -- and grateful to you!

Your friend in comics,
Dirk Manning

We (yes, WE) funded in 10 hours! Here's what next!
3 months ago – Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 10:38:04 PM


I've taken a few hours to write this update because, quite frankly, I've been kind of speechless. Thanks to all of you, LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH funded in TEN HOURS, and even now as I write this we're less than $900 away from unlocking the "Super Stretch Goal" which unlocks FOUR upgrades all at once for every Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover. More on THAT in a moment, though. First, I want to say this:

Seriously and sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. It is your support that makes it possible to offer you these books, especially in these deluxe hardcover editions. Speaking of the Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover Editions...


As I type this we are less than $900 away (or about 10 "Gimme Everything!" pledges) from unlocking the "I Saw Red" Super Stretch Goal... which means this:

If we unlock this Super Stretch Goal, EVERY Kickstarter Exclusive Hardcover Edition of the book will be upgraded to include:

  • A red leatherbound-style cover
  • Red gilded pages
  • A red sew-in ribbon bookmark
  • A KS Exclusive bookplate signed by me and illustrated by artist Joshua Ross

Again, if we cross this threshold, EVERY Kickstarter Exclusive hardcover in every pledge level (and every one added on to any pledge level) will get all these upgrades FOR FREE, no strings attached.

I'm offering all these upgrades at once because this book has a shorter funding window than normal, and, admittedly, because I didn't think we'd be within striking distance of hitting it within the first 24 hours of the campaign -- not that I'm complaining, of course!

The best way that we can get the hardcovers upgraded is for more (and more) people to pledge to the campaign, so if you know anyone who you think might like this collection of heartfelt horror stories, please share the link with them and tell them about the campaign!

Finally, as a special treat to all of you, here's a tiny peek at that gorgeous book plate!

I'll reveal the full bookplate art we unlock the "I Saw Red" Stretch Goal... so keep sharing the www.LoveStoriesAboutDeath.comlink with others who you think may be interested in this book!

Thanks all! Again, I appreciate you all so very, very much!

Best wishes,
Dirk Manning