Get LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH -- and some other goodies by Dirk Manning and Friends -- months before they appear on most store shelves!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
A print peek and book delivery update!
30 days ago
– Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 06:27:29 AM
Hello and Happy Friday, friends!
I have a few exciting updates about LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH... so let's get right to 'em!
And they're gorgeous! You don't have to just take my word for it, though! Take a look for yourselves:
Joshua Ross always delivers with his amazing art, and I'm so excited that, thanks to all of you, we were able to include him in this project, especially given that we've been so busy working together on both LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT: THE OFFICIAL GRAPHIC NOVEL ADAPTATION (with Ron Chaney of Chaney Entertainment) and the just announced upcoming graphic novel RSVP: E.S.P. graphic novel (with fellow horror author Josh Malerman of BIRD BOX and INCIDENTS AROUND THE HOUSE fame).
If your pledge includes the Kickstarter Exclusive red leather hardcover graphic novel you'll be getting this print signed by both me and Joshua when your books are shipped to you!
And speaking of the books being shipped...
I spoke to our fulfillment partner Whalebacker this week and they've been given an estimated delivery date of Valentine's Day (of course -- ha-ha!) for the books arriving at their warehouse!
My intention is for Whalebacker to have everything at the warehouse ready and waiting when the books arrive (again, of course -- ha-ha!), so that shipping can then begin as soon as the books are inspected and put in queue.
I'll keep you all posted on further updates soon... but we're getting closer and closer to getting these books in your hands, friends... so make sure you completed your BackerKit so that we have your shipping address.
REMEMBER: NO BACKERKIT, NO SHIPPING! We can't ship you your stuff when the books arrive without your addresses, and Whalebacker pulls your address from BackerKit!
Thanks again! Talk soon!
Your friend in comics, Dirk Manning
A quick LOVE STORIES update as we go into the holidays...
about 2 months ago
– Thu, Dec 19, 2024 at 06:38:18 PM
I was speaking to someone recently about the year ahead and I mentioned how excited I am about the upcoming release of LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH. As all of you here are aware, this is the definitive re-release edition of the long out-of-print original edition with the two previously unreleased full-length stories, the bonus "making of" commentary, and -- of course -- that red leather cover with the red gilded pages for those of you who ordered it just delight me to no end.
I am so, so grateful to all of you who helped bring this book to life, and we're getting closer to getting the books in our hands even as I type this.
The prints and shirts have been ordered and we're just waiting for the books to arrive at the warehouse. In the meantime, illustrator Joshua Ross and I will be signing the prints as soon as they arrive so we can have them them waiting at the Whalebacker warehouse so we can get the packages out to you as soon as possible once the books arrive.
As we all collectively enter the holiday season, I wanted to offer you all this quick update -- and again say THANK YOU for your support of this book.
I know what a privilege it is to be able to bring you these books, and I absolutely cannot wait for all of you to get to read this one the way I've always hoped would one day be possible.
However you'll be spending the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025, know that on behalf of me and the whole team, I hope that it is happy, merry, and wonderful for you filled with time to relax, recharge, and perhaps even reconnect with friends, family, and/or loved ones.
See you in 2025 with an exciting update!
With love (stories), Dirk Manning
The quiet hours... and a gentle reminder.
3 months ago
– Wed, Nov 20, 2024 at 07:49:12 PM
The waiting is the hardest part... but it'll be worth it.
Hello friends!
We're officially in the "quiet hours" of the LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH campaign where the book is at the printer (I have seen the digital proofs and -- good gravy, are they gorgeous) and now we all just have to sit back and wait for the books to be printed and then shipped the the Whalebacker warehouse to begin distribution.
The BackerKits have all been locked, but if for some reason you need to go in and update your address we'll address that closer to when the books are arriving... so fear not.
I thank you all so very, very much for helping bring this book back to life -- and in its final, definitive form, too. Those of you who pledged for the Kickstarter Exclusive Red Leatherbound Hardcover with the red gilded pages are going to be in for a real treat when it arrives.
Speaking of leatherbound graphic novels with gilded pages...
As I type this there's about 10 days left for you to get the KS Exclusive Leatherbound Hardcover Edition of LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT: THE OFFICIAL GRAPHIC NOVEL ADAPTATION. I was given the honor of adapting this lost Lon Chaney classic, and we're currently on the verge of unlocking the FIFTH Stretch Goal... with the sixth adding blue gilded pages to the book. Take a peek:
After this campaign ends the Kickstarter Exclusive Leatherbound Edition of the book won't be made available again, not will the triple-signed and remarked book plate, nor the other Stretch Goal upgrades... so if you want to make sure you get a copy of this one, take a moment to reserve your copy now at, friends.
After all, now only will it make you part of horror history, but this black leatherbound hardcover (ideally with the blue gilded pages, should we unlock that final Round Two Stretch Goal as well) of LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT will look stunning next to your red leather hardcover editions of LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH...
Thanks again! Go reserve your copy now, let's unlock those last two Stretch Goals (at least), and we'll talk soon!
Your friend in horror comics, Dirk Manning
P.S. -- Want to know a little more about the history of this long-lost film and how we've gotten to bring it back to life? Watch this really fun (and informative) interview with me and Actionline StudiosHERE.
LOVE STORIES is going to the printer... and MIDNIGHT is upon us!
3 months ago
– Sat, Nov 02, 2024 at 08:35:46 AM
The LOVE STORIES are about to start printing...
Hello friends!
We're days away from LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH entering its print run, and about 18 of you haven't filled-out/finalized your BackerKit yet. If you haven't done so you should have just gotten an email reminder from BackerKit, but if you didn't see it, please take a moment to go do so now you can get your stuff when it's time.
If you haven't seen the news, our Kickstarter campaign for the official graphic novel adaptation of LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT launched this week, and as I type this we're only a few "Gimme Everything!" pledge levels away from our loftier-than-average funding goal to bring the book to life with a Kickstarter Exclusive Leatherbound Edition of the book... for starters!
Even if you don't know the name LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT, I guarantee you that you're familiar with Lon Chaney's iconic vampire character from this lost film:
The original film was released in 1927, but the last remaining copy was lost in the great studio fire of 1965, and I'm absolutely honored to be bringing this story back to life with an original graphic novel in partnership with Ron Chaney of Chaney Entertainment. How honored, you ask? Well, they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so...
Now you'll never unsee it... and no, it's not a coincidence. It's always been an homage.
LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT is going to be my last Kickstarter until late winter or early spring 2025, so I hope you'll join us on this one now. You can check out the full campaign (including that absolute steal of a "Gimme Everything!" pledge level HERE.
Thanks all!
Your friend in comics, Dirk Manning
A reminder to complete your BackerKit from NYCC... and to get ready for what's next!
4 months ago
– Wed, Oct 16, 2024 at 06:31:43 AM
Hello everyone!
I'm in New York City right now for New York Comic Con (which starts tomorrow), but I wanted to give you all a quick LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH update:
I'm happy to report that the files have been delivered to Source Point Press and that the book will be sent to the printer after we all get back from the convention! (I'm in Artist Alley at Table H-8 -- as in "Hate!", and Source Point Press Chief Creative Officer Josh Werner will be on the upstairs floor at #3641!)
As a friendly reminder, fulfillment on this campaign (including getting your mailing addresses, etc.) is being done through BackerKit, so if you haven't completed your BackerKit yet please take a moment to do so here:
(You may also notice I'm offering some specially priced add-ons through the BackerKit, too... so, again, if you haven't completed yours yet, hurry-up and do so HERE, as I want to get this one to the printer and into all your hands fairly quickly.)
That aside, circling back to New York Comic Con, I'm tickled to announce that for the first time in years I'm offering a New York Comic Con Exclusive comic, this time as a preview of my next graphic novel launching on Kickstarter... and it's a BIG one. Heck, it's more than "BIG"... it's flat-out legendary:
If you're a fan of classic horror, rejoice, for we're bringing the lost Lon Chaney horror classic LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT back to life in cooperation with Chaney Entertainment and Source Point Press as an official graphic novel adapted by yours truly(!) on Tuesday, October 29th at and at New York Comic Con this week we're offering 100 copies of a preview comic of the full graphic novel
These preview comics will be first come, first served, and as an added bonus LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT illustrator Joshua Ross and editor Drena Jo will also be floating around my table at Artist Alley Table H-8 (where the NYCC Exclusive Preview Comic will be exclusively available) throughout the weekend for added signature possibilities!
If you're coming to New York Comic Con come grab one right away. If you're not but know someone who is, send them over and be sure to tell them to tell me that you sent them!
If neither of those options work for you, though, be sure to go over to and hit the "Notify Me On Launch" button right now, for if we have any unsold copies, we'll be offering them as add-ons on the campaign on a first come, first-served basis!
Thanks all! I'm very excited to get LOVE STORIES ABOUT DEATH into your hands, so make sure your BackerKit is completed... and get ready for the official return of LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT later this month!